Loss of driving privileges can drastically affect your daily life. Regardless of the severity of your DUI charge, your license will be taken away if your preliminary breath test (PBT) registers more than .08 percent blood alcohol content (BAC).
If you are facing suspension or revocation of your driver's license, you need a knowledgeable Reno DUI defense attorney on your side. The Law Offices of Kenneth A. Stover pride ourselves in our quick and effective response to your call for help.
Minimize the Impact of a DUI on Your License
At our firm, we have the advantage of having former prosecution experience and more than 25 years of experience in Nevada's criminal justice system. We have seen what a DUI conviction can do to a person from both sides of the aisle. We also know how hard it is to get around Reno and the surrounding areas without a driver's license. We work tirelessly toward minimizing the impact a suspension can have on your life.
Act Quickly to Protect Your Driving Privileges
Immediately after your arrest, our Reno criminal defense lawyer begins to work toward getting your driving privileges re-established. Typically, a hearing at the Department of Motor Vehicles occurs two to three months after your arrest. We stand beside you at this hearing and help you know what to expect.
The majority of DMV hearings will result in the loss of your driver's license for 90 days. However, going to the hearing does give us the opportunity to question the police officer and get as much information about the case as possible. With this information, we may be able to dig deeper into your case, moving toward the best possible results for all DUI charges.
Key Factors Influencing Your License Suspension Case
- For example, details that may help or hinder your case include:
- An evidentiary breath test registering at .08 or above (results in losing your license seven days after your arrest)
- If you took a blood test (results in postponing your license suspension until the test results are returned)
- If the officer pulled you over without probable cause or appropriate suspicion of your intoxication
- Whether or not you actually operated a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or a drug (either legal or illegal)
Explore DUI Defenses with Our Reno Legal Team
Many other DUI defenses can help your case. Let us evaluate your particular situation as we work toward a solution. Contact us for a Free Consultation with our Reno DUI defense attorney when you call (775) 502-1575.